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SEND Support

Who Do We Support?

The SEND support model at St Edward's

All pupils receive High Quality First Teaching.   Only a small number of pupils will need to receive SEND Support (SEND Register) and a very small number of pupils in the school will have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP).

Quality First Teaching in the Classroom

All teachers have a professional responsibility to ensure that all pupils in their class are catered for regardless of need.  This is referred to as Quality First Teaching and is available to all pupils when deemed appropriate.  Our main Quality First Teaching strategies can be found on the Matrix below.

The quality first matrix links to main pdf document

* Click the matrix to download a pdf version.

Every Child is Different


Image of a label saying one size does not fit all

The SEND Matrix gives you an overview of the strategies which work best for different SEND needs.  But, it is important to note that every child is different and some strategies will not work.   It is our experience that it is better to find one or two strategies which have the most impact rather than overwhelming pupils with too many strategies.  We try out best to find the strategy which makes the most difference and has the greatest impact on our pupils’ learning and enjoyment of school.

How Pupil Information is Shared Internally

The SENDCo, together with the Inclusion Manager and Heads of Year, will read reports and information received about pupils and upload this information to Provision Map where all our SEND information is stored.  All staff are able to access this information to look up provisions put in place for pupils.