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Parent School Association (PSA)

All parents of children in school are automatically members of the Parent School Association (PSA). This group helps raise funds for school projects as well as supporting school events with refreshments and volunteer supervisors.

Recently the PSA bought audio-visual equipment for our school hall and have helped meet the costs of running our minibus and our Year 5 swimming programme.  They also recently funded a new ‘quiet’ outdoor area for pupils.

Parents new to the school are invited to a welcome “Reception” event in September when it is possible to meet Year 5 form tutors and senior staff in an informal atmosphere and find out ways in which to help the valuable work of the PSA. Among the more popular events we have run over recent years have been the Christmas Fayre, Quiz Night and the half-termly discos for our pupils!

PDF icon PSA Introduction Flyer

PDF icon Classlist (Replacing Helping Hands)