Ofsted & School Church Inspections
Ofsted Inspections
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect and regulate services, including schools, providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
All schools are inspected regularly following the Ofsted inspection framework, after which Ofsted will publish a report outlining the inspection findings. Reports from the most recent inspections of our school can be found below.
Further information can be found at the Ofsted website: www.ofsted.gov.uk.
SIAMS Inspections
Our school is also inspected under the Church of England Education Office's framework for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS).
These inspections are carried out jointly with representation from SIAMS and also a representative from the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.
These inspections focus on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.
The report from the most recent SIAMS inspection of our school can be found below.
Further information can be found at the Church of England website:
‘The carefully chosen values of the school service, excellence, respect and faith (SERF) are woven through the life of the school. They enhance the impact of the vision. They provide solid examples of how pupils and adults can grow in their time at school. Values are integral to the curriculum that the school has devised and implemented.’