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GSO Test

Able Pupils

At St. Edward’s Royal Free Middle School, we are committed to enabling all pupils to be successful and achieve their full potential in an environment that is secure, caring and focused on learning.  We have in place a broad curriculum, enhanced by a programme of strategies that provide pupils with the skills to become independent and confident thinkers and learners, equipped to meet continuing challenge and change.

We use a number of methods for identification of more able pupils, including: prior attainment, teacher assessment, predicted results/grades and baseline assessments. We are also aware that some pupils will not present at school as more able & talented; some might not want to be recognised and some might not have been given appropriate opportunities to explore their gift or talent.

Our main indicator for More Able identification in year 5 is the GL assessment progress tests. Pupils in the top 10% of the results will be marked as most able. In individual subject areas, pupils may be gifted and show potential to be more able in this area. These are internally logged by department areas and flight paths pupils are issued with will reflect if they are more able e.g. pupils will have a flight path of 'Above'.

The school believes that there should be no prescribed limits placed on any pupils’ potential. We will always look for gifts and talents in all pupils, seeking to provide the enhanced opportunities appropriate to their needs.  This will be through the taught curriculum as well as extra-curricular opportunities.  The school is fully committed to working for equality of opportunity and this commitment extends to identifying and developing the talents of all our students.


Our provision:

We feel it is appropriate to adopt a fluid approach when providing for more able learners, as this allows us to identify and make provision in a flexible and considered way. We provide a rich and varied curriculum that can be accessed by all, regardless of ability across a range of subjects. Through skillful teacher assessment of learning and achievement, we identify those with high potential (those who are maximising their potential and those have not yet done so). These children are then provided with extension for learning, which can include:  


We also provide a range of enrichment opportunities. These include: 


Further Resources

There are a number of helpful websites that parents/carers might like to look at, including:

www.potentialplusuk.org - This is the independent charity that supports the social, emotional and learning needs of children with high learning potential of all ages and backgrounds. Potential Plus UK runs events for parents/carers and children. They have an events diary and online booking system on their website.

 Oxplore – The Home of Big Questions


Oxplore is an innovative digital outreach portal from the University of Oxford. As the ‘Home of Big Questions’ it aims to engage those from 11 to 18 years with debates and ideas that go beyond what is covered in the classroom. Big questions tackle complex ideas across a wide range of subjects and draw on the latest research undertaken at Oxford. Oxplore aims to realise aspirations, promote broader thinking and stimulate intellectual curiosity.