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St Edward’s RC Church

St Edward’s Roman Catholic Church is part of the parish of Windsor.  Canon David Hopgood is one of our school chaplains and has served as a governor at our school since 2013 with a focus on Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education, Worship and RE.

St John the Baptist Church

The parish church of St John the Baptist is located in the heart of Windsor, next to the Guildhall.  This is the parish church of the Royal Free Foundation and our pupils regularly attend whole school services there.  We are also supported and regularly visited in school by Revd Sally Lodge, Team Rector.

Windsor Food Share

For the past few years Sterf has been actively involved in Windsor food share. The pupils donate food which is then taken to Food share. Food share lets school know if they are short of any items and a plea goes out to the school community who rally around. Some of our pupils also visit food share to help with the organisation and distribution of the food within the scheme, sorting the food into different types and date order to ensure the best rotation of food, and also with picking and bagging the food that has been requested on the shopping lists provided by food share.

Schools In Partnership

Schools in Partnership is a group of local schools headed by St George’s School Windsor Castle who work together to share resources and ideas for the benefit of all schools in the Windsor area. Our pupils and staff are involved in joint community projects through this group.


Diocese of Oxford Logo      Discese of Portsmouth Logo

Oxford Diocesan Board of Education (ODBE)

Catholic Academies and Schools Office, Portsmouth (CASO)


National and International Links

Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service

Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service provides vital support to children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, and their families, across Berkshire and the surrounding counties.  Every year, our school holds a Blue and Yellow Day to raise money for the hospice service.

Archbishop of York Youth Trust

The Archbishops' Young Leaders Award is a leadership and character education programme where pupils in Key Stage 2 (Year 5 at STERF) have practical opportunities to volunteer and help others in their community.

Photo of 2020 Awards Extra-Milers
Some of our 2020 Awards Extra-Milers

Cafod (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development)

This is the main overseas agency for the Catholic Church.  We always make it one of our yearly charities that we support.  Representatives from CAFOD sometimes come into school and lead assemblies and we use a lot of their material in our classrooms and learning.  Twice a year we have reflective lunches when we eat our lunch in silence whilst thinking about those less fortunate than ourselves.  We have pictures, photographs and films to help us to realise just how lucky we are.

Lizalex School, Ghana

Our link with Lizalex came about several years ago when a supply teacher (Sylvette Amoah-Agyei) came into our school and noticed that the library had an old book sale and asked what we would do with the old unsold books.  She asked if she could have them for a school that her mother had set up in Ghana.

Photograph of Lizalex School in Ghana

We box up well-read books and stationery items that may be of use and Sylvette’s husband comes and picks them up ready to ship out to Ghana.  Over time, we managed to donate so many books that they were able to build a library of their own which they kindly named in honour of our school.

Plan International

As a school, we sponsor a child through Plan International.  This not only involves contributing financially but also raising awareness of the issues that people in Zambia face.  Some of the RE Club members regularly write to our sponsor child and enjoy it when we get some art work or a translated message from her (via her Youth Worker) saying how she is doing at school and in her village.  She is very much part of village life and loves playing netball!