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At St. Edward’s Royal Free Ecumenical Middle School, we pride ourselves on our excellent attendance and punctuality figures. Good attendance is directly linked to increased progress and attainment.

PDF icon Attendance Policy


If your child is ill please email attendance@sterf.org.uk, leave a message on the answer machine or call reception (preferably before 9am). These absences will be marked as illness. Please respond to any requests for reasons for absence, we need these for our records.

Please note, the school does not observe a 48 hour rule for sickness absences.  If your child has been ill due to vomiting, they may return to school as soon as they are well enough.  They do not have to remain absent from school for a set time.

If we do not hear from you, we will call or text to inform you that your child is not in school. Following recent tragic events in the news, we must be extra vigilant with our record keeping and attendance checks. Please ensure your contact numbers are kept up to date.

Please see our Attendance Process flow charts for more information.

Appointments / Exams / Visits

If you have to book appointments, music exams or visits, please try to avoid school hours. If this is not possible please fill in a term time absence form and email it to attendance@sterf.org.uk. Medical appointments do not need a form but you will need to give us as much notice as possible so staff can be made aware.


The school strongly urges families to avoid booking holidays in term times, these will be marked as unauthorised in all cases and can impact your child’s progress.

Supporting Good Attendance

If attendance falls below 95% you will receive a warning letter, if below 90% you will receive another warning letter. All pupils with attendance below 95% are known to the borough’s Educational Welfare Officer and they may wish to meet with pupils to discuss the importance of attendance and punctuality. If attendance doesn’t improve following letters or meetings you may face a fine or court action. This is decided by the borough in line with government guidelines.  

The government recently completed a survey which found that “ …research shows that overall absence had a negative link to attainment, with every extra day missed associated with a lower chance of achieving 5 or more good GCSEs or equivalent at grades A* to C including in English and mathematics, or gaining the gold standard English Baccalaureate (EBacc).” Although our pupils are not at this examination stage, every day in school prepares them for these important qualifications at key stage four.

Table showing attendance percentage equivalent to days and lessons missed

The majority of our pupils have excellent attendance and we thank you for this.

If you feel your child needs more support with understanding the importance of attendance or punctuality we will happily do some work with them so do not hesitate to contact us.

The Psychology and Wellbeing Team at RBWM have produced a guide for parents about emotionally related school avoidance.  You can access a copy of this guide below.

PDF icon Emotionally Related School Avoidance Toolkit